Wednesday 21 September 2016

How to Boost Innovation and Problem Solving Through Collaboration

Working together is one of the hardest and most rewarding aspects of our work lives. Different personality dynamics, skill sets and experiences are present in every team and in every workplace. The best teams succeed both because of and despite of this diversity.

When you're working on a project that spans several different disciplines, the ability to consult others who are experts in the core-competencies needed to make the project work is crucial. Not only will they have the required knowledge but they mostly likely look at the project from a new, different angle, seeing things and sparking off ideas that you wouldn't have done on your own.

Building a diverse team is often the only way to assemble the breadth of knowledge and skills required to pull off a complex, innovative project. For example, a film production needs researchers, scriptwriters, producers, cameramen, grips, actors, etc. Each of those people brings specific skills to the table as well as their own ideas, biases and unique point of view.

Even having multiple people with similar skill sets working on one specific aspect of the project can produce unique insights and brand new perspectives as they will come from different backgrounds, have trained at different schools and have different experiences influencing the way they think.

Collaboration Outside Your Business

Collaborating with other businesses provides the potential to experiment with new product areas and ideas as well as introducing both parties to a brand new customer base. It's important to carefully choose who you work with as collaborators who are different to you will often bring the most innovation to partnership.

Working with businesses in another industry or with a different audience in the same industry to pool client and press contacts is often beneficial, but it's also important that you're on the same page in terms of the final outcome and any ethical considerations.

However, it may be preferable to work with businesses with the same goals and customer bases. This helps increase your existing knowledge of your specific area of work as well as ensuring a greater level of understanding within the partnership.

Top Tips

1. Set Goals. Make sure that everyone knows exactly what they're working towards. This helps to keep individuals focused on team goals and provides measurable indicators of success.

2. A good team will share knowledge freely, learn from one another, help one another complete jobs and meet deadlines, and share resources.

3. Communicate. Share your ideas and listen to others. Digital tools such as Asana or Podio can be helpful for staying in contact and sharing information, especially for remote working teams. Podio is also useful for keeping a shared record of contacts and events.

4. Colleagues who focus not just on their own goals and the goals of the team/company but also each other's individual goals, working together to help everyone achieve what they need to in the best possible way, often get the best results.

5. Remember, colleagues should tell you when an idea is great but they should also let you know when it needs improvement and when it's so terrible that you need to scrap it immediately.

More Information

5 Reasons why collaboration contributes to innovation –

5 Reasons Why Collaboration Is Essential in Today's Business Environment

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