Thursday 3 November 2016

Five Things That Successful Entrepreneurs Do Before Breakfast

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1. Wake up early. Tim Cook, Richard Branson and Jack Dorsey are famously early risers. By getting up early, before anyone else, you minimize potential distractions and can focus your time on priorities, rather than the spontaneous crises that naturally arise throughout the working day.

2. Exercise. Vogue editor Anna Wintour plays tennis every day before work. During her time in office, Condoleezza Rice, former US Secretary of State, would get up early six days a week to make room for her morning workout. Not only does this help you to fit in exercise before it has a chance to be squeezed out of your schedule, it also helps to focus the mind and lift your spirits before a long day at work.

3. Drink water, instead of coffee. A 2012 study by the University of Connecticut suggested that even mild dehydration could cause difficulties with concentrating. Water helps you to feel more alert, rehydrates your body and kickstarts your metabolism. Huffington Post founder Ariana Huffington starts every day with a glass of hot water with lemon.

4. Catch up on the news. Keeping tabs on what’s going on in the world is important so that you know how it will affect your business and to develop solutions. Do this before you get to the office, not before. Online news and 24 hour news channels mean that you up-to-date news that you can actually use is right at your fingertips.

5. Check and answer emails. According to a survey conducted by Robert Half Management Resources, around 50% of executives start the day by checking their emails, compared to just 39% of entry level employees. This allows them to focus on more important tasks throughout the day. Also, it can help with organising their day and ensures that their emails are towards the top of recipients’ inboxes when they get into work.

Read more:

Check out Laura Vanderkam’s successful book: “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Mornings - and Life” -

Please comment with your own thoughts on morning routines. What do you do in the mornings that helps you to be a more productive individual? We always love to hear from you!

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